Video Text:
The [l] sound. To make this sound, we use the very tip of the tongue, and we press that to the roof of the mouth. This is different from the nn, N sound in which we use the forward part of the top of the tongue to touch the mouth. In the L, ll, we're actually using the very tip, which means the tongue has to curve up to touch. Ll, ll. Because the tongue is curving like that, that means this part of the tongue is actually touching the back part of the front teeth. But where the pressure happens is where the tip of the tongue reaches up to touch the roof of the mouth. Ll, ll, ll. The rest of the mouth stays relaxed.
Sam words:
last 后的
parallel 平行的
limber 灵活的
Sam sentence:
Last fall, we flew to California. 去年秋天,我们坐飞机去了加州。