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每天学点英语口语 中式英语的正确表达

来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-02-06 11:56:43



  好好学习,天天向上 中式英语:Good good study.day day up./地道英语:Study hard and being outstanding.
  不三不四 中式英语:No three no four./地道英语:Neither fish,flesh nor fowl;Neither one thing nor the other.
  人山人海 中式英语:People mountain people sea./地道英语:Huge crowds of people;A sea of people.
  马马虎虎 中式英语:Horse horse tiger tiger./英式英语:Just so so;Careless.
  你试试看!中式英语:You try try see!/英式英语:Dare you!
  一路顺风 中式英语:One road with wind./英式英语:May a favorable wind send you safely home!I wish you a happy voyage!
  爱谁谁 中式英语:Love wh who./地道英语:Whoever;no matter who.
  心花怒放 中式英语:Heart flower angry open./英式英语:Elated.
  彼此彼此中式英语:You me you me./英式英语:We are the same.
  七上八下 中式英语:Seven up eight down./英式英语:Upset.
  欢迎你到 中:welcome you to.../英:welcome to...
  永远记得你 中:remember you forever/英:always remember you
  祝你有个... 中:wish you have a.../英:I wish you a...
  给你 中:give you/英:here you are
  很喜欢... 中:very like.../英:like...very much
  真遗憾 中:it's a pity/英:that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
  裤子 中:trousers/英:pants/slacks/jeans
  修理 中:mend/英:fix/repair
  入口 中:way in/英:entrance
  出口 中:way out/英:exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
  勤奋 中:diligent/英:hardworking/studious/conscientious
  应该 中:should/英:must/shall
  火锅 中:chafing dish/英:hot pot
  黄头发 中:yellow hair/英:blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
  厕所 中:WC/英:men's room/women'sroom/restroom
  大厦 中:mansion/英:center/plaza
  马马虎虎 中:so-so/英:average/fair/all right/nottoo bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)
  好吃 中:delicious、英:good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
  尽我最大努力 中:try my best/英:try/strive(try的本意就是trymy best)
  有名 中:famous/英:well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
  滑稽 中:humorous/英:funny/witty/amusing/entertaining
  欺骗 中:to cheat/英:to trick/to play a jokeon/to deceive/to rip off
  车门 中:the door of the car/英:the car's door
  怎么拼? 中:how to spell?/英:how do you spell?
  再见 中:bye-bye/英:bye/see you/see youlater/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
  玩 中:play英:go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
  据说 中:it is said/英:I heard/I read/I was told
  等等 中:and so on/英:etc.etcetera
  直到现在 中:till now/英:recently/lately/thus far
  农民 中:peasant/英:farmer
  宣传 中:propaganda/英:information









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