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初三英语满分作文:My plan for the summer holiday,供参考!

来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34

  期末考试即将结束,多姿多彩的暑假生活就要来临。请以My plan for the summer holiday为题写篇短文。


  My plan for the summer holiday

  The summer holiday is coming. I will have lots of time to do the things that I like to do. I am so excited!

  I am planning to visit some interesting places, such as Mount Tai and the beautiful beach city Dalian. Maybe I will stay there for one or two weeks. I'm sure it will be great fun. I will also practice the piano to improve my skill. Of course, I won't forget to finish my homework.

  I think I will have a wonderful summer holiday.








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