如今在线教育发展十分火热,非常多的80后、90后家长感受到网络的便利,逐渐认可在线学习这种方式,尤其是在线青少年英语培训受重视程度很高,亲身经历...更多 >>
元旦(1月1日)NewYear'sDay 春节(农历一月一日)theSpringFestival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)theLanternFestival 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)InternationalWor...更多 >>
NOTE: Any spell-check program ought to catch most of these for you. However, the wisest course is to master them yourself. 注意:任何拼写检...更多 >>
Chinese people like to eat dinner at about 6 oclock, for the old people, they sleep at 9 oclock, but as the more and more people like to do ...更多 >>
Last night, my parents told me that they would go to have dinner with friends, so they wouldnt stay at home and let me to buy something to e...更多 >>
近日,hellokid在线少儿英语荣获企业家日报社、浙江企业家理事会联合评比的315诚信示范企业荣誉表彰。 企业家日报社、浙江企业家...
2020年5月29日,以起步,就与世界同步为主题的HelloKid在线少儿英语品牌升级发布会,在杭州白马湖建国饭店如期举行。 公司多位领...