【成语来源】 laugh out of the other side of your mouth 乐极生悲 Chunyu Kun (淳于髡) lived in the state of Qi (齐国) during the Warring State...更多 >>
【成语来源】 To draw a cake to satisfy hunger 画饼充饥 Lu Yu lived in the Kingdom of Wei during the Three Kingdoms periods. He was orphaned ...更多 >>
【成语来源】 The affair of the east window is exposed./The cat is out of the bag. 东窗事发 During the final years of the Song dynasty (sng c...更多 >>
【成语来源】 try to help the Shoots grow by pulling them upward/spoil things by excessive enthusiasm 拔苗助长 There once was an impatient fa...更多 >>
学习日常英语口语,从生活中的小事进行积累学习,今天hellokid的老师为大家总结的关于常用的口语表达: I imagine Ill do some work instead of going...更多 >>
近日,hellokid在线少儿英语荣获企业家日报社、浙江企业家理事会联合评比的315诚信示范企业荣誉表彰。 企业家日报社、浙江企业家...
2020年5月29日,以起步,就与世界同步为主题的HelloKid在线少儿英语品牌升级发布会,在杭州白马湖建国饭店如期举行。 公司多位领...