小学一年级英语作文-我的弟弟 I have a brother. When he was born, I am not happy at first, because my parents get less attention on me. 我有一...更多 >>
小学二年纪英语作文-修好的玩具 My father buys me a Barbie doll as my birthday present and I like it so much. 我的爸爸给我买了一个芭比娃娃作为...更多 >>
小学三年级英语作文-我想学会游泳 I like swimming and I admire those peo can swim in the water just like fish. 我喜欢游泳,我也很羡慕那些在水...更多 >>
小学四年级英语故事-掩耳盗铃 Covering Ones Ears While Stealing a Bell 掩耳盗铃 Mr. Wang thinks he is clever, but he always does foolish thing...更多 >>
小学四年级英语作文-快乐的时刻 Today, when the class is over, my friends and I dont go home and we decide to eat outside. 今天下课后,我和我...更多 >>
近日,hellokid在线少儿英语荣获企业家日报社、浙江企业家理事会联合评比的315诚信示范企业荣誉表彰。 企业家日报社、浙江企业家...
2020年5月29日,以起步,就与世界同步为主题的HelloKid在线少儿英语品牌升级发布会,在杭州白马湖建国饭店如期举行。 公司多位领...