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深圳小学(深港版)第一册课本 Lesson 4-5

来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34

   Unit 4 My school things

  A. Point and say. Listen.

  It's a rubber. It's a pencil.

  Now say.

  It's a rubber. It's a pencil.

  a ruler, a bag, a rubber, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case

  B. Say and act. Listen.

  This is my bag. This is my ruler.

  Now say.

  This is my bag. This is my ruler.

  C. Story time.

  “Oh, no! My balloon!” “Sorry, Pat.”

  “Good-bye! Tim.”

  “What's this?” “It's my bag.”

  “Pat, this is my balloon.” “Sorry Tim.”

  E. Listen, say and colour.

  Listen and say. Listen.

  l[l]leg m[m]mother n [n]name

  Now say.

  l[l]leg m[m]mother n [n]name

  Find and colour the letters.

  G. Listen, circle and sing.

  Here is a rubber. Here is a ruler.

  Here is a pencil and a pen.

  Here is a pencil case. Here is more.

  Here is a bag. I like this game.

  Here is a rubber. Here is a ruler.

  Here is a pencil and a pen.

  Here is a pencil case. Here is more.

  Here is a bag. I like this game.

  Unit 5 Revision

  A. Look, do and say.

  “Good morning! How are you?” “ Fine, thank you.

  “I'm Bill. What's your name?” “My name is Jojo”

  “Good-bye! Jojo.” “Good-bye! Bill.”

  B. Listen, circle and colour.

  1 It's a desk.

  2 It's a ruler.

  3 It's a pen.

  4 My name is Pat.

  D. Listen, read and tick.

  1 "Hello! Tim, here is my rubber." "Hello! John, here is my rubber."

  2 Oh, no!

  3 "This is my rubber." "John, it's my rubber."

  4 Sorry, Miss Wang.










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